
We are a design consultancy that harnesses user research, business needs and experience strategy to drive exceptional design.

Challenge conventional thinking 

Using proven methodologies, data analysis and a triangulation of research methods we uncover opportunities for innovation. Our ‘Hypothesis Driven Design’ framework helps test assumptions in a way that is quantifiable using prototypes and metrics. Our team of experts is adept at using design thinking and human-centered design methodology to understand the needs of your customers.


Uncover profound insights and shape your design strategy. From user research and testing to insightful interviews and immersive field studies, we ensure an evidence-informed approach for impactful design decisions.


Elevate your design process, with a dive deep into data analysis. From conversion rate optimisation to marketplace studies we’ll provide you with valuable insights, empowering your design decisions with strategic intelligence.


From developing a robust business case to crafting user experience strategies, we’ll guide you in aligning your product design and service design strategies with your overarching business objectives for transformative success.

Business outcomes

Achieve business success by comprehensively understanding the needs of your users including their motivations, mindsets and behaviour modes. Identify innovation opportunities, build a compelling business case for a product or service optimisation, and create an evidence-based roadmap that inspires confidence.

Improve customer experiences and business processes

There’s always room for improvement. We can help reduce service attrition, improve customer experience and secure new leads across the line through a variety of methods - from UX strategy to developing a new value proposition and brand identity.

Setting a vision

Craft a seamless and impactful user journey with a comprehensive customer experience strategy, while elevating your brand's essence through a brand vision and communicating consistently with identity and design system creation.

Design implementation

Transform ideas into captivating experiences with our digital product design and service design expertise. Encompassing user experience design, front-end development, app prototyping and interaction design.

Business transformation

Our business transformation solutions are tailored to reshape your organisation, aligning strategies with evolving markets. We’ll infuse creativity and strategic thinking into your processes and instil lasting change.

Business outcomes

Optimise your business impact by boosting conversions throughout the customer journey and minimising user drop-off. Revolutionise design operations within your organisation and elevate your team’s overall performance. Expand your reach to new audiences and explore new opportunities for growth.

Launch a new product or service

We apply the same market knowledge, attention to detail and care to your new direction, whether that be a product, service or a revamp, as we apply to ours. We’ll help your dream become a reality, get you up and running and work alongside you for as long as you need us to.


We’ll use empathy maps, service blueprints and user journeys to map out the various touchpoints and interactions a user could have with a product or service and how it may make them feel. Using various methods of research we’ll ensure we design features that users want and that can achieve your business goals.


Design is the bringing together of disciplines to sketch, wireframe, design and prototype a product or service for end users. We believe in creating unique experiences built on a solid functional foundation that are a pleasure to use and have the potential for meaning and significance in your user’s lives. 


As UI and front-end development experts, we work closely with engineers throughout the build  to ensure all implementations are pixel-perfect, accessible, and exhibit the micro-interactions that will add polish to your product.  For service design projects we ensure new processes are in place, training is delivered and recommendations are embedded.

Business outcomes

Expand your business horizons by reaching untapped audiences and markets, enhance customer experience across various touchpoints, and unlock new revenue streams through innovative and strategic approaches.


Professional Services & Finance

We have transformed how professional service organisations deliver their offering across digital channels with a human touch. Get in touch to find out how we’ve been supporting businesses to forge their own path.

Not for profit / social enterprise

We’re passionate about designing and improving digital services for third sector organisations where even a small investment can have wide reaching positive impacts on service users. Take a look at our work to find out more.

Sport & Entertainment

What does it mean to be a fan? From finding out about the next event, to booking a ticket, to making an experience last a lifetime, get in touch to find out how we’ve been putting the Furthermore stamp on sport and entertainment.

Media & Publishing

Credible, good quality journalism holds a mirror up to society. In a world where news today is fast paced, skim read and sometimes misleading, we help you enlighten your audience in a way that meets their evolving needs.

Public sector

Public services provide an opportunity for citizens to participate in the community around them.
Find out how we’ve been supporting local authorities
to provide more inclusive services.

Health & Wellbeing

Our very own product, Go Jauntly, was born out of a desire to help people explore their surroundings and connect with nature to improve their wellbeing. We’ve also helped ‘health’ startups connect to new audiences and enhance their service offering.


Enterprise technology has never been more important in supporting our rapidly changing working lives. Whilst data is the new soil, helping users understand these numbers is even more vital.
Read about our work.


Escaping somewhere new has taken on a new meaning along with the means available to do so.
Take a look at our work with Heathrow airport and
Castello di Ugento.

Get in touch with the team to discuss your idea, project or business.

workshop session for a service design project
service design workshop with Furthermore teamLarge Furthermore logo in white